Calvin Gullett

A lot of my family is here for me, but nobody really writes me. I’m single. This is my first time doing this. I’m at Lancaster State Prison (LAC). Download the GettingOut app and download GettingOutVisits. Put your phone number and email address. It’s totally free but it may request funds to text me and send pictures and videos to my account. The phone calls are all free. Just push 5! I have done eight years without a visit from my family so I really look forward to maybe getting one of those. But never let that change your mind about writing me, I only have 7 years left. That will fly by with you in my corner. No one has written me yet, so you will be the first. I love listening, I have zero kids but I do want a family one day. I will work really hard when I am free. I am serving a 22-year-sentence. I hope when or if you write me you, you don’t write me and then ignore my response like someone has before. We have tablets in California and we can call all during the day except during count time, and at nights around 11pm pacific time. You see my picture and you know I love to eat and workout. I’m committed to you if you want that. I can’t wait to hear from you. Thank you for your time.


Calvin Gullett #BD4648


PO Box 4670

Lancaster, CA 93539