James Bierman

My name is James Bierman. I’m hoping to meet some new people, both “friends” and/or “more than friends.” I’m open-minded, open-hearted, and looking forward to whatever else the future may bring into my life. I’m a 37-year-old white male with brown hair and bluish/greenish eyes. I have lived in Bakersfield, CA for the past 20+ years, but I am originally from Indiana.

    I love to stay active, work out, playing and watching sports, hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, you name it. I like learning new things. I love to BBQ and cook, I love animals and all types of music. I love to laugh, have a good time, and stay positive and looking forward rather than thinking in the past. I am currently programming in a lot of self-help groups in here to better myself and my way of life to give myself a better chance to stay out of prison once I parole.

   If you want someone to talk to or someone who can listen, hit me up - I am good at both! (LOL)

Sincerely, A New Friend


James Bierman #BP7057

Kern Valley SP C-4-211 L

PO Box 5103

Delano CA 93216

Incarcerated For: Residential Burglary, Assault Likely to produce GBI

Release Date: August 12 2033

MaleMichelle GallantCalifornia